Cage Free Since 1919

Statement of Principles

Agricultural History Society Statement of Principles

 May 24, 2024
Approved 6/5/2024

Agricultural and rural history is the history of the majority of people for most of the recorded past. Historical practices of managing land, forging relationships with other species, feeding people, and the often unequal power dynamics of that work have affected us all. Befitting its focus on those vital subjects, the Agricultural History Society:

  • supports the teaching, research, and publication of scholarship that embraces honest and ethical research, diverse perspectives and methodologies, and constructive criticism, even when that scholarship discomforts us or challenges the status quo;

  • stands for academic freedom and tenure, mutual respect, and professional conduct; 

  • explores the ways in which agriculture has often been rooted in inequities;

  • values the health and well-being of all members of the scholarly community, as well as the people, animals, plants, and ecosystems involved in food and fiber production around the world. 

These principles guide the society’s mission, operations, and aspirations.