Cage Free Since 1919

Editorial Staff


To contact the editorial office, please write to:

Agricultural History
Department of History, Georgia Southern University
Interdisciplinary Academic Building, #3009
P.O. Box 8054
Statesboro, GA 30460

Drew Swanson

Drew Swanson, Editor
Department of History
Interdisciplinary Academic Building, #3004
P.O. Box 8054
Statesboro, GA 30460

Benett Parten

Bennett Parten, Associate Editor
Department of History
Georgia Southern University, Armstrong
Hawes 108C
11935 Abercorn St.
Savannah, GA 31419-1997

Andrew Baker

Andrew Baker, Associate Editor
East Texas A&M University
Ferguson Social Sciences 106
2600 W. Neal St. 
Commerce, Texas 75428

Kristin Ahlberg

Kristin Ahlberg, book review editor for north america and the caribbean
Office of the Historian, U.S. Department of State, retired
2943 Sheridan Boulevard 
Lincoln, NE 68502

Jonathan Robbins

Jonathan Robbins

Jonathan Robins, Book Review Editor for international titles 
Michigan Technological University
Social Sciences Department
1400 Townsend Dr
Houghton, MI 49931


Editorial Board

Juri Auderset, University of Bern
Eve E. Buckley, University of Delaware
Leisl Carr Childers, Colorado State University
Benjamin R. Cohen, Lafayette College
Helen Anne Curry, Georgia Institute of Technology
Andrea E. Duffy, Colorado State University
Floor Haalboom, Erasmus University Medical Center
Prakash Kumar, Pennsylvania State University
Admire Mseba, University of Southern California
Ariel Ron, Southern Methodist University
Bobby J. Smith II, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign