Call for Graduate Student Papers
Annual Meeting of the Agricultural History Society
St. Paul, MN
June 4, 2025
The Agricultural History Society invites applications for a graduate student workshop to be held the day before its 2025 annual conference in St. Paul, MN. This year’s conference theme is “Ebbs and Flows, Water and Agriculture.” Submissions may reflect this theme, but papers on any topic, region, or time period will be considered. All accepted papers will be reviewed by a panel of distinguished scholars and discussed during the workshop on June 4, 2025. It is expected to run from mid-morning to mid-afternoon, with a break for lunch (specific times will be announced later).
Graduate students interested in this workshop should submit a 250-word abstract and a CV by March 1, 2025. Notifications of acceptance will be sent via email by April 1, 2025. Accepted presenters will have until May 15, 2025 to submit complete (or nearly complete) papers, not to exceed 25 pages. All submissions and inquiries should be emailed to Masha Fedorova at:
In support of travel, the AHS will provide $250 for each student who is selected for the workshop and registers for the AHS conference. The Mississippi State University History Department will provide a $250 prize for the best paper.